Oct 31, 2018

Halloween Happenings

Lasa wore her costume to school for some trick-or-treating festivities (which I wish they wouldn't do, but don't get me started on that), so there I was bleary-eyed at 6am in the morning getting her hair and tiara situated.  She felt so beautiful and went grinningly off to work with Josh (also in costume).  I did not give her her clip-on Elsa braid because I was committed to protecting that bad boy for the evening's ACTUAL trick-or-treating.

[Later on] 
All dolled up for her glamour shots and TOTALLY IN LOVE with her Elsa braid.  We love how it turned out!  (We happened to hear from Angelique today requesting a Halloween pic, so these were perfect.)

Lasa's blooming cold was wearing her down by the time she was home from school (see her runny nose and draining eyes in those pics), so she had NO energy or patience or nerve for trick-or-treating house to house; she {mostly} rode the wagon and cried bloody murder if we tried to make her go up to a door.  "Get out of this place!" and "No, no, no" she would cry, scared of all the Halloween decor and scary costumes about.  At one point (actually, more like fifty points), she got super sassy with Josh and me and I spanked her, to which she angrily objected through tears, "Pwincesses DON'T get banks (spanks)!"  Ha!  Indeed, they do, little girl.  We did manage to coax her up to a few houses though.

Pirate/bodyguard for an increasingly wary Elsa.

So, a lot of Halloween build-up and costuming led to a total preschool trick-or-treating let down after that.  Sigh.  Provincial Belle and Spooky Phantom, however, worked it up and down all the streets we went.  Anna stole hearts in her precious costume and that basket she insisted on using was the perfect touch, a total crowd-pleaser.  By the end of the night, after more praise from more houses, she exclaimed, "I love my costume! I love this basket!"  Noah, bless his heart, enjoyed wearing his first-ever scary costume, but was sweating so bad under his mask, and as it got darker, it really made it hard for him to see.  Too funny!  Also funny was how skittish he was at the more scary houses.  One house in particular gave Noah a good haunting chase from a Freddy Kruger character.  It was hysterical!  After an hour and a half of such festivities, my big kids were WIPED OUT and glad to be home again. And -bonus- the rain waited til then to start!

The air and wind were perfect outside and the kids brought home enough candy to last til Easter - even without much Lasa participation.   It was a Happy Halloween and a good full month of October.

 Glad to wrap it up, though, and dive into November/Thanksgiving season!  Bring on all things harvest and gratitude and family and holiday excitement in the air!

Oct 30, 2018

Jack-O-Lantern Just in Time

Phew!  We just {barely} got the overpriced pumpkin carved in time for Halloween.  Tonight's team effort ... could also be captioned, When it feels perfectly normal to put a blade in a 3 year-old's hand. 😜


We are praying the Lord will hold the rain off til we have about an hour of Trick-or-Treating under our belts tomorrow. 🙏🏻

Zoo Run

The high today was 75 so we scrapped today's lesson plans (just kidding -  we squeezed them in elsewhere) and headed for the zoo.  This was the first time Lasa did not have a wagon or stroller or backpack to cart her around ... and she made it 1/3 of the way without whining or complaining. We soldiered on and had a great time regardless.  We got an eyeful of the new bears being really, really playful and that was totally the highlight of the day.  I attached my shorter Bears Wrestling video at the end.  Way fun!  I nicknamed them Noah and Anna.


Conversely, the flamingos were quite subdued today.  They are usually carrying on and fussing and honking and flapping and chasing like crazy.  

Never fear!  Like I said, the preschooler helped us fill our quota of carrying on, flapping, honking, and fussing. 🤣

Oct 27, 2018

Halloween Prep

Every day I find a new craft or Lego creation on the fireplace. 
It's fun! And festive!

I am ALLLLLLL in for precious bits like this coming home from school with the littlest.   I don't know why they delight me more than they did 8-10 years ago - ha! - but, gah, bring me all the Lasa preschool crafts!!!

We finally have all our costume bits ready for this year.  Noah is gonna be a phantom (first time ever with a scary costume, so there's that!), Anna is going to be Belle from Beauty and the Beast (in the blue provincial town dress, thankyouverymuch), and you get one guess who Lasa is going to be (now that her first choice of a purple girl dinosaur costume would not come back in stock on time, grrrr) ...

And Josh, here at the last minute, has decided to dress up this year too.  As a pirate!

In One Yard or Another

Just some random happy shots from the front yard and the back this week ...

As well, the bunnies have escaped SEVERAL times this week (and last).  Lucky for my people, they stay in the yard at large and hurry back to their own yard when they see Noah coming to corral them again.  I wish I had thought to take a pic of them today during their latest escape adventure!  

 A little rainy day puddle splashing...

Finally some color on the trees around here.

There's also been a fair share of bike riding out front and playing outside til dark, too. Tonight it was Noah and Piercen with laser guns.  Thankful for these simply joys in this season of life.