Sep 30, 2018

That Anna Girl, on her 10th

That Anna-girl is something else.  She is so impressively smart. Like, ahead-of-her-years smart.  And she grows more lovely with every passing day, in a sweet and understated way.  She is a treasure. But she is a mess.  And now she is all of TEN years.  So like, she is a full-on 'tween or pre-teen or something and, y'all, we are seeing it.  😳  There are moods and highs and lows.  She has become regularly disinterested/ disapproving of ideas and options presented to her that she used to be into.  Just a slightly negative vibe more often than not now?  Dare I say, a touch mean to Noah without provocation (thought she has endured a TON of provocation from him for years so maybe it's just a learned response that is now pre-emptive?) A lot of "meh" types of moods coming across.  I don't know what to do with this!  Wait it out?  It's just a phase? Help!  (Although now that I think about it, maybe negative is the wrong word for it.  Maybe it's just ... opinionated?  And those opinions just happen to not match mine?  Which makes ME negative?  Yeesh. That might be it. ) The mother-'tween daughter dynamic can get dicey, I guess.  Better proceed with caution, Kimmie. 

But, gah!, I love her to pieces and I am so proud to call her mine and to be in her company when she and I are out and about.  I am so proud when I hear friends exclaiming over her, impressed by the things she says and the heart she shares.  Y'all.  She is so witty and sincere and intuitive and quick and of course creative.  She is a loner who LOVES to be with girlfriends when she can, which is a weird mix to make heads or tails of.  She is all big kid at 10 and yet she when she plays babies or play doh or kitchen with Lasa, she seems to be realllllllly into it. ;) She enjoys her video game time for sure, but she can enjoy spacing out in her room with no screens just as much.  She doesn't get desperate for screentime like her brother.  She reads and reads and reads and reads.  And then she writes.  Writes like a dream.  She seems to have a knack with her violin (thought it is a solid challenge for her for sure) and she has thanked me for signing her up for that class, which I love. She is just as much spa girl at heart as she is survival girl.  She is hands-on with every single thing her Daddy does outside in the shed or garden or bunny bin;  the dirt under her nails proves it.  😬  She is often striking deals with Noah and often trying to weasel out of it when it's her turn to hold up her end of the bargain.  She has fallen in love with one-on-one time with Josh or me ... anything that gets her a break from big bother and little sister.  She is sensitive and considerate and silly and I want to say helpful, but I will reference that first paragraph on that point and just say that that part of her feels like it's dropping off into more Meh than not lately.  I will miss my Anna in the coming moody teen years, I can tell.  We talk a lot about how we can plan to handle ourselves when they get here and she is really taking it to heart.  I know, because her Sunday School teacher was gushing and holding back tears sharing with me the transparent, tender-hearted personal prayer request my angel girl shared last weekend about this very thing.  She already appeals to the Holy Spirit to help her keep her moods in check. She's already a better teenager than I EVER was.  And now I am all emotional thanking the Lord for her precious heart of gold.  I'm not crying; you're crying!

She cracked me up the other day, saying something about our living room being a "snorechestra" when her daddy and papa were sleeping/snoring on the couches simultaneously. She made (what I found to be) some really amusing time-lapse videos of her cleaning her room that I will attach here.  She's praying for more friendships.  She won't let me sell her football cleats because she is determined to play another season at least.  Football!  My scrawny girl.  Sheesh.  She is so good at sleeping in now - almost too good. HA!  She wanted to complete a birthday survey ... but hasn't gotten it done yet,  and now, days later,  I am done waiting for it.  She is a complicated treasure.  😉

On this, her 10th birthday, I humbly thank the Lord for this daughter he designed for our family, for my life.  I know she changes me just as much as I change her.  May we both go at it gently all these precious days we have ahead of us. 

Happy Birthday, my beautiful Anna.  I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you.  Ten is gonna be a great year to be you!   ~Love, Mommy  (I love that you still call me Mommy)

Sep 29, 2018

Few Minutes of Sky

We had rain and rain and rain for like 5 days straight?  And the very first evening after the last of it, the sky celebrated WITH us.  Such a light show ... that cast such fascinating colors all over the ground and yard and fence and house and all.  Pretty neat.  Anna and I kept going back and forth from front to back to take in each minute and the change it brought as the sun set.  The cool air that moved in the whole time was just as welcome.  Glad you are here, Fall!  

I was already watching the cool clouds that whole day ...

And they gave way into this gorgeousness...

Harris Riding Academy Field Trip

So, we did make ourselves get up and out on Friday to take in our scheduled field trip and it was a great time.  Except for managing Lasa, bless it.  She proved to be the expected handful that a three-year-old can be relied upon to be for a two hours of stations and presentations. HA!

Pics of the all the equine-themed learnin' we did - breeds, markings, coats, saddles, stables, grooming, riding, and feeding.  Good day!

We met up with Josh for lunch on our way home, at which point Anna went to work with Josh for the rest of the day.  Lasa got plopped down for nap because she was unbearable! and Noah and I set down to teach him to play Checkers.  Can you believe neither of my big kids know how to play?  Not sure how that happened ...

Sep 27, 2018

Not-so-HOMEschool Stuff

Thursday afternoons this year, the kids attend some enrichment classes at CHET.  Anna is taking drama and fiddle.  Noah is taking apologetics and PE. As well, Noah is back in language therapy twice a week at TSU.  His clinician this semester is a guy and Noah was excited about that.  I am excited about what great work he is doing with Noah!  Best semester yet.

First ever dissection experience with Nashville Homeschool Calendar field trip group.  I was nervous the kids would get freaked out, but they rocked it.  Proud of them!

Afterward, we picniced outside in the killer cool air and wandered the greenway there.  Was fun to spot these raccoons in a tree along the way.  Anna insisted I take a pic.  ;)

Last week we took a field trip to tour the Nissan Plant in Smyrna, which is the highest volume automotive assembly plant in North America.  It was amazing! We were all fascinated at the operation they run there and just how massive and comprehensive it is ... in terms of cars AND employees and quality and safety.  They didn't let us take pics during the tour, they didn't even let us take our phones inside! And they escorted us off the property when it was all done, so the kids and I drove around to another gate to take at least ONE pic in representation of the outing. Ha!

The kids both read Tuck Everlasting last month, so we followed up on that by viewing the movie.  And then we followed up on THAT this month by taking in a live performance of it at Nashville Childrens Theater.  A trifecta!

And finally, tomorrow we will take a trip to tour some stables in Murfreesboro and ride a horse or two ... if we don't bail before then.  It's not my style to flake at the last minute, but, man, I am beat.  And Anna is only halfway into the idea.  And I will have Lasa with us this trip. 😬 We shall see.