May 24, 2017

Fidgety Fairy Fashionista

The girl likes to accessorize.  She's worn three different necklaces today.  If only she'd wear her selections for longer than 5 minutes.  And sit still.  Ahhhh, the toddler life!  Here are the few seconds following when she wanted me to take her picture.  I cooed for her to be still, just one second be still for the picture.  This is her "still".  


I love her.  
She makes me tired.  
(Toddlerhood is meant for moms in their twenties.  
Lower thirties mayyyyyybe.)  
But I wuv her.

Catchin' Up on What's Up

In the interest of catching up and getting these pics off my to-do list ... a post of random bits of everyday stuffs we're up to.  Starting with dissecting owl pellets.  Because, summer boredom already.  Ha!

Josh can't seem to put down his audiobooks that he has recently discovered.  No more NPR for this guy during his commutes.  Sometimes, he even dons earphones and tunes in again after putting the kids to bed.  It's kinda funny to me, but I love it for him.

Babyfeet ... of which there could never be too many pics.

Some pretty shots I stole while watching Born in China at the theater with the kids.

Anna and I got started on one of her summer bucket list items ... redoing her room.  First up, shelves!  She did one coat on one shelf.  I have done coats 2-7 between both shelves combined.  HA!  Josh is gonna be bringing up the rear with touch ups, possible sanding, and then waxing. 

We soldier on with baseball season ... Noah and Lasa are good sports attending Anna's games and practices.  Holy cuteness on the bleachers! 

Her season that started off with a fun win, has died a slow death of solid losses since then.  But, Anna has shown such progress and confidence and effort.  She even earned a second game ball this week!  Definitely takes the edge off another loss.  Last weekend, she left the field in tears, she was so upset that they keep losing.  Some seasons are just like that, I remind her.  What's important is that she is doing HER job on the field.  And she is.  And she does it looking so dang adorable!

 Pretty pic sent from my friend, Gloria, in Missouri. 

Pretty pic sent from a friend, Becky, on her beach trip. I love getting these texts!!

Noah and Anna have learned that if they wanna play iPad without interruption, they have to do it behind a baby gate to keep toddler at bay.  But they also have to do it within reach of the wifi signal, ha!  Top of the stairs it is! 

Anna selfies...

Sleeping toddler!  I dig her hands behind her head like that.  She does this in the carseat, too.


The shelf after I quit for a day and then came back for more coats.  I think it's gonna work out after all.  Next up, the walls.  Anna has teal and purple and gray and glitter in mind.

And finally, we are enduring getting medical appts checked off our list.  Lasa hit up the ENT and found out she needs new tubes in her ears and adenoids removed.  So, ugh and financial ouch.  Noah hit up the allergist since we haven't gone in two years, gave some blood to check his peanut allergy level, and found out his RAST score has dropped by 50% since 2005.  That is great progress.  Still severe and still total elimination required, but still encouraging!  And finally, big kids hit the dentist today and both came out grinning and cavity free ... for which they both earn $5 a piece.  Dentist also said Noah is about to lose a crap ton of teeth, which is welcome news as well.  Finally, I made myself a drs appt because I never go and I need to get set up with a new dr I like.  Alas, because of other schedule and childcare conflicts, I am pretty sure I am gonna reschedule it for fall after all. Which is fine with me.

Hair Stuffs

Just a few more things we've done in the hair department this month...


Lasa's first ever deep conditioning treatment.  She was not a fan.  But she obeyed and left the cap on for 15 mins. 


Wet 'n Wild

Sprinklers, squirt guns, water table, bucket o' water, hot tub, flooding.  Just a little of all the wet n' wild sights to see around here last week. 


May 17, 2017

Orchestra in the Night

This little book was one of my Mother's Day gifts.  It is a special little treasure that deserves a post of its own.  Anna wrote this after being inspired by another picture book we read together about the night.  That child spent HOURS in two different shifts making this book.  And it rhymes!  Proud of her.  Love this.  Wondering if maybe SHE can become a published author one day and fulfill that long-lost dream I had once up on a time to be published myself. ;)


Nocturnal animals have slept all day long, They have not made the smallest sound,
Now it's time to sing their song, Now that the sun has gone down.
First comes the frog, Whose part is the tuba;
He sleeps in the bog, I don't think they live in Cuba.

Second is the cricket, who plays the violin,
I think they sleep in thickets, And this one's name is Lin.
Third is the Owl, Whose best in the flute.
It knows when critters prowl, It's never asked to mute.

So far there is no beat, and Frog, Lin, and Owl are getting sort of moany.
This one makes noise with its feet, Can you guess who it is? Yes, the coyote!
Now the moon's high, And there's a couple stars,
They play in the dark sky,  Where you can see Mars.

Although mosquitos bite, They do not run and hide.
They stay and play all night, And soon mosquitos leave their side.
Pretty soon there was a crowd, A cat, a bat, then a rat,
As the crowd grew they got proud, Then came fireflies and there they sat.

Pretty soon they got flowers, And the crowd grew and grew,
They felt they had music power, Surprisingly, the crowd was few.
Coyote, Lin, Owl, and Frog played loud, So the crowd might stay.
Pretty soon there was no crowd, That was because the moon went away!

The Sun came up, and up, and up and up.  
So the frog went to the bog, And the cricket to the thicket.

The coyote went to the forest, The Owl went to its tree to dream of chorus.
Although they sleep, They will play the next moon,
But now they do not make a peep, They will play very soon.

(Precious Author's Note - my favorite part is where she says she "wrote this book in two days and they were Wednesday and Thursday."  ❤️)