Jun 29, 2014

We're Expecting ... in the Garden

Looks like our watermelons are gonna give it a go!  Josh spotted several sweet things just starting to take shape today.  Aren't they precious?

He also spotted proof that our corn is flirting with the idea of producing, too.  What fun!

Workin' Man

Josh has got it in his mind that it is time Noah got more involved with a man's work around the house.  And I agree it would be good for him, too!  So this weekend, when Josh scrubbed the green off the side of the house, Noah was enlisted to help.  

Thankfully, Noah's attitude was much improved from last week when he was assigned to haul tree branches to the front yard for pick up.  This whole "work" thing has not been welcomed by the boy, but it's gonna be a great character shaper once its done it work on him!  Other tasks Noah has been helping out with include shop-vac'ing the hot tub, assisting in Josh's shed, sanding the porch rails, and clearing the yard of debris after the branches finally got picked up.  

Josh laughs at how simple these tasks are compared to the work he did at Noah's age. He swears his father had him up a tree with a chainsaw by the age of eight, but I might have to confirm this with his momma before I believe it.  :}  No seriously, I think I do believe it.  Ha!

Pre-Anniverary Paint Project

Our anniversary comes around again next month, so it was perfectly fitting that I got to reminisce about the date while participating in a monogram paint class yesterday.  Some of the ladies my friend, Cindy, and I got to chat away the afternoon with while we worked.  There were twice as many women there, but they were still busy by the time we were wrapping up.

2002, huh?  Was that really TWELVE years ago?

Anyway, turned out pretty decent, I say.  
This pretty little piece is the newest addition to our mantle now.

Jun 28, 2014

Bust a Move

I took these hooligans bowling again this week with some friends of ours.  The Kids Bowl Free summer program I finally signed them up for is proving to be worthwhile.

We got there a little early so Noah amused himself during the wait by busting a move to the catchy tunes playing overhead.  He busted those moves so quickly, in fact, I only seemed to catch blurry moments, but you get the idea still.  Ha!

Such a character.  I really should put him in some hip hop classes to help him hone those skills. :}

Produce Department

The produce department that is our backyard is branching out from our first tomatoes.  This week we got to enjoy the first samples of snap peas and our first cucumber of the season ... although only that cucumber because Noah picked it too early without asking. : /

And for the record - skinny snap peas and prematurely picked cukes are still just as delicious! :)

Jun 26, 2014

Anchored Enrichment Pics

I wondered why Noah's homeschool co-op program, Anchored Enrichment, didn't have a Facebook page for the group the whole time Noah was in it.  And then yesterday I accidently discovered that they did and I had been missing the updates and pics all along.  Ha!  After I whimpered to myself for being so clueless and out of the loop, I laughed and downloaded every last pic of my boy and dumped them all here for the keeping of the memories.  


Every shot had me grinning again in gratitude for the fun, support, and friendships Noah has enjoyed since he joined in January.  Counting our blessings!

Melted Snowmen writing...

New Year's Goals writing...

Experiments with transporting "snowballs" into cups with straws...


If I Were in a Snowglobe writing...

Chinese New Year chopsticks activities...

Valentines Day...

Coffee Filter Four Leaf Clovers for St. Patricks Day...

Water Cycle activities...

Super Sweet Second/Third Graders ...

Super Silly Second/Third Graders ...

So thankful for Anchored Enrichment!

Jun 22, 2014

Bledsoe and LaGuardo

This week Noah participated in a Jr. Ranger Day Camp 

at Bledsoe Creek State Park and had a really great time!

At first he only knew a couple kiddos from his Union Elementary days, one of whom was Faith.  He made me promise he wouldn't have to go back if he didn't like it on Monday.

As luck would have it, he loved it and was eager to return each morning, making new buddies every day he was there.  (Yes, that's my hooligan in the front not even looking at the camera.)

Among the week's activities were stream studies, crawfish catching, creek play, fishing, hiking, meeting many different rangers, insect and bird studies, and also a skeleton and skulls talk.

On the last day, Noah was awarded a certificate at the family cookout/graduation that Josh left work to attend. 

After that, Noah returned to work with Josh for the afternoon, and Anna and I stuck around the park to stroll on one of the trails, check out the stream, and relax on the pier at the water animal habitat.

It's too bad she was too young to participate.  This whole week would have been right up her alley.

Lucky for the both of us, spending time with just me and her is ALSO right up her alley.

The rest of the week, the girl and I kept busy with playdates while we waited for Noah.  One day, we hit up LaGuardo beachfront at the lake where Anna did the sand thing,

the swim and sunning thing,


and even a smidge of a symphony thing.  This was the creative little xylophone and drumset she fashioned and played.

Another day, she painted rocks that she brought home from the bottom of the lake.

Beyond that, the kiddos spent the rest of the the hottest week of the year so far in the pool. 

And Noah has two ears full of swimmer's ear to prove it. Poor thing!