Apr 30, 2014

Anna's Pre-K Pics

I had no intention of buying pictures from Anna's preschool because we already bought pictures from our family photo session in October.  But then .... Then they sent home the proofs and, well, how could I say no? 

 I will take a toothy Anna smile whenever I can!  Sue me.

Looking good, baby love!  You've come a long way in the attitude department in terms of school pics.  Ha!

Precious memories, all of them. ;}

Chima Cake: Made to Order

I cleared my schedule for the ENTIRE DAY so I could tackle another birthday cake on my own without distraction or stress.  I got a head start last night practicing letters with candy melts and they turned out ok by me; not to mention that it saves me the money I spent on fondant that I can now return. :D  

Then bright and early this morning I baked the cake layers and iced it whilst overseeing Noah's reading and science work.   I had to bat Anna away a couple times because apparently she "could not resist the sweet icing."  Then once I got into the detailed piping and leaf making, I set her and her brother down with a bowl and spoons to scrape up all the leftover sweetness.  That got me about 15 minutes without interruption whereby I completed my Lego Chima masterpiece.  

Noah was bouncing all over the kitchen at getting to feast his eyes on his finished cake.  He said, and I quote, "It's exactly like I wanted it to be!!"  I call that a success!

Fingers crossed that nothing shifts between now and when he has his slew of buddies over after co-op tomorrow. I slipped it into the fridge just in case that might help.  I better go lay hands on it and pray over it, too. :}  Anyway, Phew!  Glad that's done.

Apr 27, 2014

Easter 2014

We took to the highway to get ourselves south for Easter again this year, landing at my sister's on a cold and rainy weekend.  I swear Warner Robins is usually like FL in terms of heat, but not this trip!  So much for the swimsuits I packed!  So we made do with the good company and one shining afternoon outside instead.  It was a sweet visit as always, not counting how my sister and I irritated the fire out of each other. :} Sisterhood is a fine, fine balance of family, friendship, and catfights.  Ha! Anyway, take a gander at a few Easter moments we shared ...

Dying eggs again.


Just before heading out to a Saturday night Easter service.  We ended up with only silly outtakes somehow ... that I LOVE!

This will just have to do. Cousins are the best!

Easter Bunny's 2014 efforts.  Not too shabby.

Brooklyn introduced Anna (and me) to the world of bracelet looming.

Boy cousin bonding via gaming, of course. :}

Trying out Brooklyn's new tennis racket.

Spellbound by the Easter episode of Superbook, which they watched more than once. 

Just can't quite get the syncopation down.

So Uncle Lee gave her some tips/comic relief.

Sunday morning Easter egg hunt.


The egg-huntin' pressure always seems to get to us.  Ha!

The kids, and I use the term kids loosely, enjoyed having the egg hunt at a park this year as opposed to the back yard.

It has been forever since I have seen a merry-go-round!  

Another fun group shot. ♥

These 5 were in their own orbit all weekend.  They share such sweet and fun fellowship  when we get them all together.  Takes me back to playing with my own cousins as a child.

Then, just for kicks, we let Emily back up into our car bright and early Monday morning. Ahhh, memories.  So we killed some time at Monkey Joe's and a nearby pizzaria while the car got some new struts.  :S  

I grieved for the amount of money Emily paid for the repairs, but she tells me that's what emergency funds are for so I will try to believe her and let it go.  I will also try not to return the favor when they are parked in our driveway come September.  :)  Looking forward to Labor Day and having the Talmadges on our turf again.

Apr 25, 2014

Kindergarten Registration for the Girl

This character got registered for Kindergarten today!

Poor thing didn't get near the fanfare Noah did when he registered for Kindergarten.  That time, Josh took time off work to go with us, we took pics with a real camera, and we even went out for breakfast to mark the occasion.  Our poor second-born only got Mommy, only got this one crappy iPhone photo, and then had to hurry back home so we could get back to Noah's school stuff.  Ha!

Forgive me, Anna!  We'll make a bigger fuss for your first day of school, I promise!

Apr 23, 2014

Noah and Tooth #3

I know I still need to post about our Easter weekend, but this just happened and it's all we can think about at the moment.
A Before and After, if you will.
And then a way, way Before just to tug at the heartstrings. ♥

6:00 at dinner, Noah feels a pop in his tooth that's been loose for weeks. At that moment, I knew that sucker wouldn't last the night.  Noah was really tenacious with his first two lost teeth.  Once he could wiggle them with his tongue, it was like he could taste Victory; he wouldn't stop til they came out.  So I made him grin for what I knew would be his last perfect little chicklet teeth smile.  {whimper}

Within the hour, he had done the deed.  Gotta admire his guts.  He just kept yanking it forward during bedtime bible study.  When I heard Anna shrieking, him shouting, and excited scampering down the hallway and stairs, I knew it was done.  I am not too proud to say, I actually let a tear fall as I studied it up close while Noah was rinsing his mouth out. 

Another piece of my baby Noah has fallen by the wayside.  I mean, look!  I can remember that sweet face when that tooth was just poking through.  {whimper transitions to WAIL}

Anyway, back to tonight.  Noah kept remarking at how big the tooth was.  And he was right - it's twice the size of those tiny bottom two that already came out.  And while it's not the first one to fall out of his face, it's special to us still.  That first front-and-center tooth that comes out is really the end of an era.  And what a great era it has been!

Apr 16, 2014

Taa Daa: Busy Beaver

Josh has been a busy beaver this spring.  I say "busy" because he is cranking out projects and to-do list items one after the other. I say "beaver" because the last three heavy hitters all had to do with wood. 

First, we had a significant chunk of our tree in the back yard come down in a storm.  Josh wasted no time firing up his chainsaw and tackling the break-down and disposal of all that wood.  It's cleared away now and plans are being drawn up to make a bridge from the playground over into that new open spot where the branches used to be.  Ha!

Josh finished up this piece of furniture for Anna's room this weekend.  Anna was quite handy in its construction and painting as well.

And Noah was one happy Lego Chima fan to get to break in Josh's most recent project - a raceway for his speedorz.  I am just tickled that now he won't be wearing out the knees in his jeans crawling back and forth to launch/retrieve his speedorz from the hallway floor he has been using thus far!

So thankful for our handy man and his busy beaver springtime fever!

Apr 13, 2014

Before the Throne of God Above

One of my favorite things about the church we have been attending for the past 6 months is the how they lead us in worship.  While they do lead us in a few of the newer trendy praise songs, they always anchor our praise every week with one or two old-school hymns. Josh and I can't get enough of them!  Recently, they covered Before the Throne of God Above.  I love this hymn and the solid theology that encourages my spirit.  And I love how perfect its message is for Easter week. I have had this song by Selah on my iPod for years now, so I hunted down a YouTube version of it so you could give it a listen.  So beautiful!

Before the Throne of God Above

Before the throne of God above
I have a strong and perfect plea
A great high Priest whose Name is Love
Who ever lives and pleads for me
My name is graven on His hands
My name is written on His heart
I know that while in heaven He stands
No tongue can bid me thence depart
No tongue can bid me thence depart

When Satan tempts me to despair
And tells me of the guilt within
Upward I look and see Him there
Who made an end to all my sin
Because the sinless Savior died
My sinful soul is counted free
For God the just is satisfied
To look on Him and pardon me
To look on Him and pardon me

Behold Him there the risen Lamb
My perfect spotless righteousness
The great unchangeable I Am
The King of glory and of grace
One with Himself I cannot die
My soul is purchased by His blood
My life is hid with Christ on high
With Christ my Savior and my God
With Christ my Savior and my God

One with Himself I cannot die
My soul is purchased by His blood
My life is hid with Christ on high
With Christ my Savior and my God!
With Christ my Savior and my God!

Apr 11, 2014

On the Hunt

We enjoyed a heavenly sunny and breezy afternoon today with our homeschool group.  The kiddos did some Easter egg hunting and enjoyed the wide open spaces and free time with friends while us mommas enjoyed the adult company and leisurely conversation. :}

Friends, fun, sugar, and sun?
Nothing sweeter!