Dec 31, 2012

Christmas at the Cabin

We finally, finally made it to the week of Christmas and got ourselves slightly southeast along with most of Josh's family to the highly anticipated "cabin/cavvin" that my kids told everyone about for the past few weeks. :}

Noah got so sickish the day and night before we left, but after prayer and what can only be called a Christmas miracle, he was all better in the early morning by the time we packed the car.  From there on, it was a delightful getaway from start to finish.  In total we spent 6 days away.

Memorable moments included...

Getting to take a pic with my hubby.  This particular shot was at The Dillard House on Christmas Eve.

Later that night, we all gathered for a short devo before we headed out the door again for a Christmas Eve candlight and communion service. Both my babies got to hold candles themselves and we all lived to tell about it.

Back home again, we stoked the fire and settled down to Polar Express and cookies until we settled down for a long winter's nap.

Gingerbread houses were made and nibbled on for days.

iPhones were introduced to the littlest Browns and a gallery of silly pics were subsequently taken.


Uncle Johnmark and Aaron graciously accepted many an invitation to wrestle.

Thank you Beka and Aaron for humoring my two high-energy hooligans!  You are the type of cousins through whom all childhood memories of family visits are enriched.  So glad my two have you two to look forward (and up) to.

Noah learned to start a fire.

And the boy laughed

and laughed

and laughed the hours away.  I'll spare you the indiscreet details of what he laughed and laughed and laughed at all week long. :S Nothing a couple weeks of detox can't cure. Fingers crossed :}

Christmas tradition constitutes that we open one gift early on Christmas Eve night.  The kids opened this year's gift from Papa John ... head-fitting flashlights which were timed perfectly for some bear and Santa and reindeer hunting off the porch.

Our quaint and colorful Christmas tree.

Some cuddling.

Some chilling.

Some laughing again and again.

Some napping was in order from time to time as well. Truly, it was a relaxing retreat. :)

And then came the main event - Christmas morning! (well, technically this shot was the night before once Santa had taken care of business, but you know what I mean)

Anna, at the last minute, let me know she forgot to ask Santa for a Strawberry Shortcake set and that she would just settle for asking for NEXT Christmas.  As in 2013.  Bless her little heart.  Lucky for her, I happened to already have gotten her one.  She was stunned!  That Santa character is the best!

Noah made out like a bandit in the Wii department, bringing home 3 new Wii games even though Santa could hardly tell what he was saying when we saw him last month.  "We Ward of the da Wings" translates to Wii Lord of the Rings, for future reference. :}

It was a sweet and not-at-all-crazy morning opening gifts together ... as long as you don't count Carol slipping down the stairs first thing in the morning.  So thankful she wasn't hurt much worse than some unfriendly-looking bruises all over her foot.  Eek!   


While Christmas lunch got whipped up by my talented and gracious MIL,
(who also had whipped up a delicious breakfast only hours before)


the boys headed outside to indulge Noah's repeated request to go shooting.

Noah was a good listener and his uncle was a patient teacher.

I bet I know what Noah will ask for for his birthday now.  I see a BB gun in his future.

Weirdly, Noah sprouted a couple a blisters Christmas morning that have remained a mystery to us all. They have healed by now, but they certainly unnerved us at the time.

The table around which most of our time was spent at the cabin.

And also, there was a lot of this...







I was

a sucker

for the view

every time

I stepped outside.

.. Which was often, since our room was on the bottom floor and could only be reached by an outdoor stairway. :}  We'll remember the leisurely window shopping in charming downtown Clayton, a wee bit of hiking for the guys, the white-knuckle trips up the steep, steep mountain pass to the cabin, Anna's big "fousand" ticket winnings at The Factory, seeing The Hobbit together, and the power going out one night when it had finally gotten cold.  We saw a little bit of snow and we sent rocks flying via sling shot into Lake Burton.  And I read three books all the while.  We did all this for only $200 a family for the rental.  Thank you, Amy, for finding the perfect spot for us all to crash and catch up!

Counting down already for the next destination Christmas trip with the Browns.  So very thankful for this family!

Dec 22, 2012

This Year's Favorite Carol

Leave it to  Francesca Battistelli to make an old predictable song so great to listen to.  Noah, especially, digs this one - Go Tell It On the Mountain.  We put this one on repeat, it's so catchy and easy on the ears.  Stripped down, rhythmic, pure - Love it!  Give it a listen!

Go Tell It On The Mountain

Dec 21, 2012

"Decorating" the Tree

Anna, I find, has put scraps of paper and ribbon on the branches of the tree that she can reach.  She calls it tinsel.

Noah, I find, has wedged  a  toy grenade in a lower branch as well.  He calls it an ornament.

Riiiiight.  :}

Dec 20, 2012

2012's Books

I made my way through a grand total of 35 books this year.  Here are the noteworthy ones.

Favorite booksThe Kingmaker's Daugher by Philippa Gregory

Honorable Mentions for Favorite: The King's Concubine by Anne O'Brien, The Language of Flowers by Vanessa Diffenbaugh, Queen Defiant by Anne O'Brien

Most read authors: Tosca Lee, Marek Halter, Anne O'Brien, Barbara Kingsolver

Most shared booksDemon, A Memoir by Tosca Lee, Boundaries by Dr. Henry Cloud and Dr. John Townsend, The Veritas Conflict by Shaunti Feldhan, The Resolution for Women by Priscilla Shirer

Slowest Reads that I had to really power throughThe Lacuna by Barbara Kingsolver, In the Garden of Beasts by Erik Larsen, HCS Chronological Bible (:S - just being honest), The Tiger's Wife by Tea Obreht

Really Didn't LikeMy So-Called Life as a Proverbs 31 Wife by Sarah Horn, Heaven is for Real by Todd Burpo, In the Garden of Beasts by Erik Larsen, Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn (hated this one, ick)

Quickest Reads 7 by Jen Hatmaker, Simply Homeschool by Karen DeBeus, Heaven is for Real by Todd Burpo, Revolutionary Parenting by George Barna, Seven Steps to Nighttime Dryness by Renee Mercer, Help, Thanks, Wow by Anne Lamott

Most change-effecting readsOur Worst Homeschool Mistakes by Jim Erskine, So You're Thinking about Homeschooling by Lisa Whelchel, Boundaries by Dr. Henry Cloud and Dr. John Townsend, The Resolution for Women by Priscilla Shirer, James, Mercy Triumphs bible study by Beth Moore

Reread this year: Demon, A Memoir by Tosca Lee
Real page-turners: Forbidden by Ted Dekker and Tosca Lee, Three Little Words by Ashley Rhodes-Courter, Breaking the Silence by Dianne Chamberlain, The Veritas Conflict by Shaunti Feldhan

Book I did give up on:  The Lemon Tree by Sandy Tolan, First Light by Bodie and Brock Thoene, Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close by Jonathan Foer

Books in the queue for 2011The Playdate by Louise Millar, The Emotionally Destructive Relationship by Leslie Vernick, Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card

Dec 19, 2012

Bragging on my Boy

Look who got a Shining Star Award
from Mrs. Arnold's 1st grade class!  

It came home with a special pencil and all Noah could tell me was that he got it because he was nice to someone.  Ever the blogging-mommy, I was hoping for a few more details, so I emailed his teacher for the scoop.  She said every nine weeks each teacher picks a student that has shown good character at school.  Those students' painted handprints get added to a special wall and his picture will be in the paper for the honor as well.  So neat!  I'll add that photo once I get my hot little hands on it, believe you me.

Way to go, Noah!  So proud of you!!

Anna's Packing List

Anna has compiled a list this morning of things she needs to pack for our Christmas at the cabin.  

It reads:

Breakfast Bars

Just the essentials.  

Psalm 23

This is something (I think) one of my student's parents gave me a long time ago.  But I came across it again this week while cleaning out my files and I found it a helpful reminder of unshakeable things.  After each line of the psalm, it indicates a promise from the Lord implied within that line.

Psalm 23

The Lord is my Shepherd (Relationship)
I shall not want (Supply)
He maketh me to lie down in green pastures (Rest)
He leadeth me beside still waters (Refreshment)
He restoreth my soul (Healing)
He leadeth me in paths of righteousness (Guidance)
For his name sake (Purpose)
Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death (Testing)
I will fear no evil (Protection)
For Thou art with me (Faithfulness)
Thy rod and Thy staff they comfort me (Protection)
Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies (Hope)
Thou annointest my head with oil (Consecration)
My cup runneth over (Abundance)
Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life (Blessing)
And I will dwell in the house of the Lord (Security)
Forever (Eternity)

Bragging on my Man

I know Josh is a fantastic worker and people person and always is received well at work.  It really is such a given what a great guy he is and I am always so proud that he is mine.  But I forget a little sometimes what an impact it makes on people until he comes home with such kinds words from his peers.  This one came written inside a Christmas card from his boss.


It was clearly evident to me from the first time you made a presentation to us in LSSD that you have a heart for teachers and students.  However, after working with you for the past few years, I see the heart you have for each person you come into contact with.  You are a very special leader who has great patience, caring, and compassion.  I also see a loving father and husband and son.  I am the lucky one to have the opportunity to know you.  We will continue to work together!

May God bless you and your family, 

(Jeanne is the one who originally spotted and hired Josh away from Pearson and into Lebanon Special School District where they created a new position tailor-made for him.  And, as it turns out, Jeanne has recently submitted her resignation in lieu of a promotion/position she has received to be superintendent in a school system not far from Knoxville.  Which makes her final comment cause us to raise eyebrows and wonder at the suggestion.  Hmmmm... )

Dec 18, 2012

Born is the King

Try to watch/listen to this holiday song without boogie'n on down along with it. The beat just gets a hold of you, I swear! And then try not to smile when you consider that all of Friday's lost babies must be celebrating in the presence of Jesus like the sweeties in this video.  Praise you, Lord!  Let it be so. 

Born is the King by Hillsong

Born unto us this day - a Savior
Gifted from heaven to a manger
The hope of the world, A light for all mankind
All of the earth rejoice - It's Christmas time

So lift up your voice and sing out His praise - It's Christmas
Born is the King, rejoice in the day - It's Christmas
Make a joyful sound - It's Christmas
Let His praise resound - It's Christmas

Goodwill to all the earth and peace divine
All of the earth rejoice - It's Christmas time, It's Christmas time

So lift up your voice and sing out His praise - It's Christmas
Born is the King, rejoice in the day - It's Christmas
Make a joyful sound - It's Christmas
Let His praise resound -It's Christmas

So lift up your voice and sing out His praise - It's Christmas
Born is the King, rejoice in the day - It's Christmas
Make a joyful sound - It's Christmas
Let His praise resound - It's Christmas

So lift up your voice and sing out His praise - It's Christmas
Born is the King, rejoice in the day - It's Christmas
Make a joyful sound - It's Christmas
Let His praise resound  - It's Christmas

Dec 17, 2012

God With Us

My heart aches and my eyes brim every time I think about the small children who died on Friday in their own classrooms.  I just despair.  It's all just so WRONG, WrOnG, wrong.  And then I think about how abhorrent their deaths are simply because they are such innocent little things ... which calls to my mind another innocent unfairly crucified here on Earth - the same innocent one we celebrate this time of year.  Both heartbreaking images leave me breathless and reminded again that this world is not our home.

Ohhhh, it's just so wretched and unthinkable.  My brain wants to implode.  I find myself keening as I imagine the parents' grief, as I imagine the same terrible thing forced on my own precious babies, as I imagine how I would rather die than face such agonizing, heart-wrenching, killing loss.  Oh, God.  Oh my God.  What to do?

I can only claw myself out of the sadness when I crawl into my Lord's presence instead by praising Him - praising the One my very soul longs for all the more in response to the ugliest evidence of the brokeness of this world.  Today's praise song I distract myself with is a new holiday tune: God with Us by Jeremy Camp.  Try listening without lifting your hands in praise.

Hallelujah, the King has come  
Beautiful Savior, God's own Son  
Hallelujah, the Christ is here  
So rejoice, for our salvation's near

Emmanuel, our humble King  
We give you our hearts as an offering  
You laid down your crown  
And became as dust 
Emmanuel, God with us
Hallelujah, the angels sang  

To certain poor shepherds in fields where they lay  
Hallelujah, the world will see 
The fullness of His majesty

Emmanuel, our humble King  
We give you our hearts as an offering  
You laid down your crown 
And became as dust 
Emmanuel, God with us
Oh, come all ye faithful, our God is here  

Joyful triumphant, salvation's near  
Oh, come and behold our King  
Come and behold Him

Emmanuel, our humble King  
We give you our hearts as an offering  
You laid down your crown  
And became as dust  
Emmanuel, Emmanuel  
God with us

Dec 16, 2012

Nativities Around Here

This is the nativity we grown-ups have around here.  It is displayed all year long and we love it.  Josh and I saved up for the whole set one Christmas when I finally made up my mind what kind of Nativity I wanted.  We used coupons, gift certificates, and timed our purchase for a sale and got this Willow Tree version for about $100, which felt so good because we saved $200 with our planning. I can't believe how long ago that was!

Don't cringe, but I am about ready by now to strip it down to just 3 pieces and sell all the rest.  Josh's hesitance is the only reason I haven't done it yet.  We shall see. 

In the spirit of the season, I dug up a pic of the first play nativity set we ever got the kids.  It was 2008.  Look at that precious baby! Noah was 2 1/2.  Anna was a fussing 3 mos. old and we were brand new in our TN town.

That set has since been sold (you know me), but Anna actually requested one this year, so I made it happen.  I wanted them to have something slightly more realistic than Little People, so I was relieved to find this set at Lifeway for only $20.

Anna plays with every day, so I am glad to have it around.  Today I took a nap and woke up to find the Bethlehem manger scene altered just a bit, though.

When I asked Anna about the display, she reasoned that the princesses and ponies are there to worship, too.  Can't argue with that logic, I guess! :)