Jul 29, 2009

WPTM #13: Good Things

What Parenting Teaches Me #13: Good Things

I have a very tolerable affliction. I am afflicted with the desire to do and give my children so many good things. I always look for and forward to it. And it quite honestly bums me out when Noah misbehaves or disobeys and I have to take away or withhold good things from him. Kinda feels like the good times stand still while he and I endure his discipline and/or punishment. But endure it we must, because that, too, is for his good. Then he gets to "twy again" and the good times just keep on rolling.

The parallel here is of course the Lord toward his children. He wants good things for us, provides good things for us, loves to give good things to us. He, too, would rather we did not choose sin and the ensuing separation and discipline that often follows. But as a loving and faithful father, he awaits our return to him in repentance and right thinking. And once that happens, well, as I said before, the good times can keep on rolling.

All the good things we know, the loving discipline we know, the fresh starts we know...we owe them all to the goodness of God. How fortunate for us that our God is a God of love. How fortunate for us that our Creator is so good.

New Anna Pics

Can't complain about yesterday's picture appointment. Anna was really good for it and doled out just enough smiles to get us home with a few good shots. A few good shots, yes, but the cd of pictures, no. So these are some pictures of the pictures we picked. :) Forgive the glare and/or blur. A skilled photog I am not.

Jul 28, 2009

Quote: Stupidity

Said by Will Cooper in the novel Thirteen Moons written by Charles Frazier.

"My tolerance for stupidity is at low ebb, especially when the stupidity's my own."

Pony Up

Josh has nursed a need to get Anna a "My Little Pony." So last night we jetted out on a whim to satisfy that daddy-daughter need. We hunted a pony, preferrably pink and with wings, according to Josh. And I agreed. She does need a girly type of toy and she just loved playing with the ponies at Mimmie and Papa's this weekend.

Noah: Ah go-ning, Mommy?
Me: We are going to the store to buy Anna a pony.
Noah: Noah pony, too!
Me: Noah, pony toys are for girls. You are a boy.
Noah: (trying to man-up the pony) Noah B-I-I-I-I-G pony!

Wal-Mart ended up leaving us hanging in the pony dept, so we took off for Target which did not disappoint. Anna got a pony (however she chose a blue one without wings), and Noah got a horse ridden by a super-manly wild west cowboy with lasso. But if you ask Noah, it is a "Cow-bowie."

The lasso was broken already before he went to bed. Boys.

Snippets and Snapshots

Noah's cousin Brooklyn, aka, The Birthday Girl.

Noah's motto:
Put in on a princess plate, go ahead and color it pink,
Doesn't matter to how it looks at all, if it's cake, it's gone in blink!

Noah helped Brooklyn open just about all her presents. Thankfully, she was cool with that.

Anna had a party of her own with any shred of wrapping paper she could find. Like I said once before, Goat Girl.

Josh and I were reflecting on how little attention Anna and Natalie payed each other and how different that was from how Noah and Brooklyn interacted at that age. We figure it's because Noah and Brooklyn were pretty active and noisy distractions and because Anna and Natalie have just grown up used to having other little people around. So it was nothing special to them to have yet another little person around.

At the Kiddie Carnival, Brooklyn braved a few rides with Noah there to be by her side. We have a pic of her screaming her head off on the swing ride which is kinda funny. For her sake, I did not include that here. That's just family business. :) And besides, she WAS the birthday girl.

What a great shot!

After taking a few shots at the water park, I gave up trying to keep the camera dry and just put it away. Thankfully, I did get some pics to document the day's venture.

He looks like he's having a ball, and he kind of was. But in truth, he acted like he was afraid of water the whole time - much like he did at his swim lesson I posted about already. And he pooped up his swim diaper which, for me, was the highlight of the day. (note extreme sarcasm here). However, when you are a mommy, there is one highlight to a kid who clings to you in the water like death is swimming around waiting to swallow him whole. You just get to hold and hold and hold him close and he doesn't try to wiggle away.

Jul 27, 2009

7 Years Ago Today

I got this quote off the card I gave Josh today and it made us both chuckle. :)
"Marriage means commitment. Of course, so does insanity."

Never fear though, the inside says it like it really is...
I'm still crazy about you, Josh. Happy Anniversary!

Weekend Summary

Anna got sick several times but was better the next day

FINALLY got around to having a plumber come fix our leaky bath

Noah fell off his bike for the first time (into the grass thankfully)

Josh got his replacement Soc. Sec. card and birth certificate

Then he found the originals of both that were lost to begin with

Watched Confessions of a Shopaholic - eh...it was ok....kind of

Discovered my son knows the song "Where is Thumbkin?"

Noah screamed and wailed for all of his second swim lesson

Went to Brooklyn's B'day party in AL at Mimmie and Papa's

Revisited the Athens Kiddie Carnival again

Went to Point Mallard Water Park in Decatur, AL

Anna screamed and wailed for the entire 2 hour drive back to TN

Jul 24, 2009

Urgent Noah

Noah was upstairs with Josh watching Anna get a bath. Noah calls me with the urgency of a fire engine.

Noah: Mommy, Mommy! Come upstairs!

Me: Ok, baby. Why?

Noah: Mommy see Anna naked boohgee (read: bootie)! Hurry, hurry! Anna naked boohgee!

The reason Noah was watching that bath instead of joining in is because Anna had just thrown up all over Josh and herself, so Noah didn't need to be a part of that party. Problem is, Anna continued to get sick after the bath, and Noah continued to watch from the sidelines...feeling more and more left out. So he starts saying he feels sick and acting like he is about to throw up.

Noah: (in his puny, scratchy voice) Mommy, Noah feel sick.

Me: Oh no. Really, Noah? Because if you get sick we can't go see Brooklyn and Mimmie and Papa this weekend. We would have to stay home.

Noah: (eyes lift and light up, grin emerges) Mommy! Noah feel all bedder!

Jul 23, 2009

A Perfect 10

Anna turns 10 months old on Saturday.

I dug up some pics of Noah when he was 10 months old just to remember what he was like at that age. I know they are not biologically related, but it is still just as much fun to compare our experiences with them along the way.

This was also fun to notice in our picture files - both at this 10 month old mark.

The B-I-B-L-E

Noah was singing this to himself over and over again today while we waited in the allergist's office. They must have sung it at MDO or something. In case you can't tell what he is saying (and how on earth could you - I swear we need to start researching good speech pathologists ASAP), here are the words to the song. While the translation and/or pronunciation is quite fuzzy, that boy is maxed out on the cuteness scale according to his mommy. ;)

The B-I-B-L-E
Yes, that's the book for me
I stand alone on the word of God
The B-I-B-L-E

MORE Stuff I Love

Shamwow - It really works. We use it in the kitchen for stuff we handwash and want to get out of the way instead of letting them take up counter space to air dry.

Pot Rack - It has worked wonders for storage in our little kitchen and it is in our laundry closet (which, yes, is in our kitchen too), so it stays out of sight.

Noah's Nightlight Timer - To keep Noah from getting out of bed so early, we set this bad boy up and told him not to get up until that light comes on. It worked immediately and I swear by its success.

Blackout Curtains - Anna has been getting up at 5:30 every morning and it is killing us, so we put up blackout curtains in her room yesterday. This morning she slept until 6:15!!

Pay-as-you-go Phone
- Has saved us so much money on my cell phone. I never used my other cell phone enough to even make it worth my cheap $30 a month plan. This gets me even cheaper phone service.

Glass Cookware with Lids - We got new Purex dishes awhile back that came with their own rubber/plastic lids. I love having those lids. I can't even remember the last time I needed foil or cling wrap to cover things in the fridge. So convenient.

TP Holder - Laugh if you will, but this new toilet paper holder we have is so, so convenient for changing the roll. No spring in the rod stuff or finagling it back into the holder, just lift one end, and on it goes. So quick.

Tomato Plants - I have loved having a built-in supply of tomatoes every day. I told Josh the other day I think I will always want to grow them from now on.

Maid Service - We scaled back on cleaning services awhile back, but what we did keep was having them come once a month to clean the bathrooms and the kitchen. Love it.

Childcare at the gym - This feature has single-handedly made it possible (and desirable) for me to keep up going to the gym. But even better, it is such a clean, fun, friendly facility and Noah and Anna love Mrs. Diane who is there every day. I never worry or cringe at leaving them there while I work out. And I just really appreciate that because I know that is not the case at all gyms.

Select-a-size paper towels - With the fanatic wiper that I am, this type of paper towel is a real must for us. Keeps me from yanking a giant wipe for little stuff, thereby saving money...and paper towels. :)

Jul 22, 2009

Our Daily Noah

What follows are things we hear from Noah on a daily basis.

When I get out of the shower: "Mommy, hair mess. Cwean it."

When he wants to use the potty all by himself: "Pysee pwease." (Privacy please)

When he thinks there is still a chance to change our minds: "Pwease? ... Pwease?...." and repeat, etc.

When I comment on his wearing big boy underwear: "Mommy too big underwear. Mommy wear pull ups." I'm still trying to understand the logic to this one. And wonder if I should feel offended. :)

When I asked where Anna was: "Anna outside Daddy take twash wain." (Anna is outside with Daddy taking the trash out in the rain). - ok, so he only said that once, but I really though it was a remarkable mouthful for him.

When he is anticipating feeling sad or already feeling sad: in his puniest voice, "Noah cwy." (I'll cry.)

When Anna is being fussy and whiny: "Mommy, Anna nak, Mommy." (Mommy, Anna needs a nap, Mommy.)

Multiple times a day, Noah will say: "Mommy, Anna cue baby, Mommy." (Mommy, Anna is a cute baby, Mommy.)

Before he takes a bath with Anna, Noah will warn: "Anna, no poo poo in bath, no, no!"

When something doesn't go like we planned, "Mommy, Wah twy again waiter." (Mommy, I try again later). usually in reference to failing to not cry during his allergy shots, or pee without making a mess, or keep his pull up dry.

When his spinner lands on the dog in Hi Ho Cherry-Oh! and he has to put berries back on the tree, he invariably announces: "Doggie ate my dawbehwies." - which is so funny because there are no strawberries in the game, only cherries, oranges, apples, and blueberries.

When I am checking email (or anything on the computer at all, really): "Mommy checking meeno."

When I am getting him some food: "Mommy, Wah eat at my taybo." (Mommy, I want to eat at my table.)

Jul 21, 2009

Biker Boy Brown

Ahhhhh, today. TODAY, Noah asked to try his bike again. So I showed him the ropes of the pedaling, we did it over and over, and off he went - getting more and more confident with each restart. And then we did it again before dinner. And again after dinner. The boy is all about it now and I am giggling right alongside him. :)

I'm pretty sure I didn't situate his helmet on his head correctly, which is like a double whammy in the goofy-looking department. Forgive me, Noah. I'll get better with that just like you'll get better with stops and starts. :) These are truly fun and funny days.

Quote: The Man Book

So I was watching a little HGTV today and heard a funny quote on a show called My Parents' House. Made me laugh out loud. Thought I'd share.

Earlier in the show a man tells the female designer to read The Man Book. He is referring to reasons why you do not paint some wood paneling. 'Let the wood be beautiful on its own' sort of thought. (Which in this house's case was just not true.) Anyway, later on in the episode, that female designer, Andrika Lawren, comments in a diary-room type monologue...

"I've read The Man Book. (eyes slowly roll up) Pretty light read. (eyes widen) Lots of pictures."

Jul 20, 2009

Precious Cargo

Josh's birthday bike is getting a lot of action already, as per Noah's repeated requests.

As it happens, Josh's new bike and trailer have left Noah with almost no interest in riding his own new bike. This shot was taken during all of about 30 seconds of riding and fussing to get off. Burst my bubble.

Jul 19, 2009

Pre-Birthday Weekend

We had Josh's b'day this weekend since he'll be out of town for it (Monday)

We've had wonderful weather all weekend (temps. in the 70's)

Ripped up the garden and planted new grass (except for tomato plants)

Josh is sick still (got a steroid shot to help it along)

I went to see a matinee showing of Harry Potter (still a packed house)

Noah stands up to pee now (creating all kinds of new messes)

Got Josh some birthday gifts (cologne, fire truck, and a backpack)

We got Josh a cake (carrot at his request)

Noah and I got slices of other cakes (raspberry and marble cheesecake)

Noah met with one of every kid's rites of passage (getting lost in Wal-mart)

Noah fell down the stairs for the 1st time (no injuries - only tears)

Josh and Noah got bikes (Noah's with training wheels, Josh's with kiddie trailer)

Rachel and her daughter Rosalyn came over to play (all Noah has to say about the day is that "Wahwyn took my hat")