Dec 30, 2008

A Woman's Prerogative

I know, I know...the phrase is a bit cliche, but it fits here nonetheless. I have changed my mind and decided (for the last time - I promise) to go ahead and move my blog to an invite-only status after all.

If I know you follow this blog I will be sure to email you the invite. If I miss you somehow, do let me know so I can correct that. This move to make Scrapbook Brown a private blog will require you to have a gmail account to view it from now on. If you already have one - great! If not, the link on the invite will guide you through setting one up easily. I am so sorry if that proves too inconvenient for anyone...but it really is a cinch and only a second or two to do. Once you enter your gmail address and password I believe you will never have to enter it again to view the blog. Blogger will recognize you immediately. I know it does for me for another invite-only blog I follow.

The blogger invite email will come within the week. Keep visiting and posting! I love keeping in touch with everyone!

PS - Don't worry, Carol - Joshua is already setting up a gmail account for you so you won't have to bother with it but once. :)

Dec 29, 2008

Attention Kroger Shoppers!

The Krogers around here (and maybe elsewhere, too, but not that I have seen) have these adorable little kid-sized shopping carts. I took Noah for the first time to test it out last night and, excusing a couple near misses with other shoppers as he rounded the corners, he drove it like a pro!

A little cookie aisle footage...

Dec 28, 2008

Memaw Bait

Just indulging myself in a little picture posting of my daughter (that still sounds funny and a bit surreal to daughter).

Knees to the Earth

I heard this song today as my IPod shuffled through random songs, and no surprise here ... I got a bit watery as I sang along. You would have to know my mindset this morning to know how this truly spoke to my heart, whispered softly to where I was not thinking rightly, and changed my mind instantly. Coupled with the sermon we heard at the church we visited this morning, this was the second of two coincidental thought processes for me to work through. There is no doubt in my mind that the Holy Spirit was speaking to me about two specific things. And it was refreshing and clarifying and a relief. Anyway, the song is not new, but it is beautiful and true.

Knees to the Earth

Wonderful Savior, My heart belongs to Thee
I will remember always
The blood You shed for me
Wonderful Savior, My heart will know Your worth
So I will embrace You always
As I walk this earth

Be blessed, be loved, be lifted high
Be treasured here, be glorified
I owe my life to You, oh Lord
Here I am

Beautiful Jesus, How may I bless Your heart?
Knees to the earth
I bow down to everything You are
Beautiful Jesus, You are my only worth
So I will embrace You always
As I walk this earth

Be blessed, be loved, be lifted high
Be treasured here, be glorified
I owe my life to You, oh Lord
Here I am, here I am

Be blessed, be loved, be lifted high
Be treasured here, be glorified
I owe my life to You, oh Lord
Here I am, here I am
Knees to the earth, here I am

Christmastime Memories 2008

Anna giggles for the first time
Anna turns 3 months old Christmas morning
Anna finally lets us put her in the baby swing...and likes it!
Anna and the joys of Karo syrup (ahhhh, sweet relief)

Diamond earrings for Kimmie...ooh la la!
Josh has so much free time he doesn't know what to do
Noah taking his pants/diaper off during naps and peeing in the bed
Noah uses the potty for the first time

Noah gives up the nightime/naptime pacifiers
Finally getting BOTH cars in the garage
Noah and Josh and the Lionel Train Sets (one old, one new)

Going to the Gaylord Opryland Hotel
Noah visits with Santa 3 times
Noah chooses a Baby Jesus ornament for his collection
Autonomously cooking our own holiday meal (and yummy it was!)

Noah's obsession with the song "Frosty the Snowman"
Seeing two different Christmas light shows in one night
Being home Christmas morning for the 2nd year in a row

Noah gets his Big Car from Santa

Ohhhh, my first baby is really growing up now...he is driving with a steering wheel, gas pedal, cargo (he asks to put his sister in the back) and shifting gears into reverse (an act which is just too adorable for words)

Dec 27, 2008

WPTM #6: Magnify

What Parenting Teaches Me #6: Magnify

Confession: I am easily overwhelmed, and sometimes made shamefully grumpy, by the demands of keeping up with a home, husband, toddler and baby. Just two little people besides myself and Josh - and I am spent at the end of the day, tired still at the start of the next.

Question: And so I ask myself what this parenting reality teaches me.

Lesson: All I can come up with (besides the fact that I need to get over myself on a day to day basis) is that God is just so fantastically opposite. My weaknesses, limits, and finiteness only magnify the brilliant bigness of God: his strength, his limitlessness, and his infinite everything (aka omnipotence, omniscience, and omnipresence). He keeps up with every person and each of the tediously unimportant hairs on their heads, every living thing under the sun and where their next meal comes from, every cosmic thing in the universe and how they beautifully interact, and he doesn't even break a sweat! That's pretty big. Pretty awesome.

Application: Maybe just knowing that is the point. I don't have to get down on myself for periodically getting tired or frustrated or overwhelmed with my life and my two little people. I can just stop and let those things cause me to do what they already do... magnify God. I can let them be a jumping off point for worshipping God for his perfection in each of the specific ways I fall short of perfection.

Oooh weee...I'll just be praising the Lord sun up to sun down, now won't I?


Number of times that our big boy used the potty today - 3!

Avert not your eyes from the evidence. It's the cutest, most anticipated little pee and poopie I ever saw!

We hooted and hollered so much over this that Anna was in tears from the sudden outburst.

And the boy has already outsmarted that candy reward system. He drips a tiny drop in the potty and comes to collect his candy, goes back to make another droplet deposit in the potty, comes back to collect his candy, and repeat and repeat over the next 2 minutes. We are quickly running out of M&M's! Quick...someone give me a plan B. :)

Dec 26, 2008

God's Gift

God's gift, that is, to parents of really hyper little boys.

Now Josh can sit on the floor and watch TV once in awhile without a wiggly toddler insisting on wrestling, rolling, or climbing all over him ... hence the grin. We just put Noah on this bad boy and watch the wearing out process do its magic. Very useful before bedtime.

"Thank you, Santa" is right!

Dec 24, 2008

Noah's "Chis Chis" Tree

I have purposely included more pics of his eating the tree than of his making the tree. Sadly, the concept was lost on the boy. The fact that there is even a smattering of green icing on his tree is a Christmas miracle in itself. :)

The Lost Art of Keeping Secrets

Time for a head count of books that I read this year. Looks like 39. And among them, my favorite was: The Lost Art of Keeping Secrets by Eva Rice. Totally a chick-flick type book. So enjoyable. And written so well. I couldn't put it down. Then I sent it home with my sister and she devoured it as well. As I have admitted before, when I love a book, especially the writer's style, I have to mark it up as I go along. And so, this book is littered with my ink. I underlined a ton of things ... sometimes for the humor, sometimes for the emotion, often for the expression. Here's a little bit lengthy sampling of some of my favorite lines:

* Crying made her whole face swell up, as if she were allergic to her own tears.

* (speaking of a house) Magna sits like a sapphire among the trees - part birthday cake, part ocean liner, part sculpture, part skeleton- ...

* I have often wondered how Lady Lucy could have been so unbelievably dim...

* Some things are made to survive. I don't think a thousand wars could have destroyed that dress.

* He has acres of land, and more importantly, acres of style.

* I love her, she loves him. It's not the most original story in the world, is it?

* He's never been able to take rejection, which is so tiresome for us all.

* The room was so full of clutter and objects that it almost hurt the eyes.

* I felt my intellectual resolve weaken. I wanted everything, everything, everything - in fact, I felt myself positively winded by my need to consume.

* ... hot with annoyance.

* "You're what they call big-boned," diagnosed Vivienne with all the sympathy of the terminally petite

* Isn't it just dreamy? Everything's pure Narnia.

* I could have cheerfully murdered him.

* When the song finished, two and a half minutes later, something was different. I think we all felt it separately, each of us alone with our own little reasons for why the balance of the earth had shifted.

* "She thinks I'm lazy." "Aren't you?" "Of course. Any sensible person is."

* The glare of the sun on the snow bruised our eyes.

* I felt angry out of all proportion to the situation.

* She looked beautiful in the most understated way.

* Do you think any of them realize that the building behind them is far more fascinating than any of the fools inside it?

* "No! How long have you known each other?" gasped Hope, virtually winding me with the insult of her astonishment.

* The dark night spat hailstones against the windows.

* I wanted to gnash my teeth, but I wasn't sure how, so I let her go on.

* Without people like them, the house swayed, unhinged.

* I knew her well enough by now to understand the difference between Charlotte Dreaming and Charlotte Speculative.

* She's jolly beautiful until she opens that mailbox of a mouth.

* ... we battered the seriousness out of each other.

* "Can you keep a secret?" "Yes." Who, on hearing these words, ever says no? I wondered.

* Ooh! I had to stop myself from shouting out things about pots and kettles when she said that.

* We were young and the world spun for us alone.

* Where's little Penelope Wallace, havoc maker?

* Who was Papa? He was a million things that I would never know, and a million things that I had made him as a result of never knowing.

* I never imagined that the sun could be too bright for Aunt Clare. At times, she had seemed to bright for the sun.

* He was quite capable of divorcing extravagance from guilt - a quality that I quite envied in him.

* She was talking quicker and quicker - it was as if the truth was dawning on her and she needed to speak it before it crept away again.

* I experienced a happiness so acute it felt half holy: a happiness made all the more intense because I knew it was a limited happiness, just passing through.

* I bit my lip and choked back the tidal wave of salt water that threatened to spill from my eyes.

* "Oh, darling Penelope, don't cry!" Of course, tears take their cue from lines like this...

* Any house, great or small, ceases to seem real when the people you love are no longer there.

* Would it ever, ever leave? I had become used to the ache now; it was with me all the time, and never seemed to lessen. Time was no healer, I decided, but it was a great accommodator.

* "Rioting in the aisles," said Charlotte thoughtfully. "We must do some of that before the week's over."

* "I thought Magna was a dream house," admitted Charlotte, "but you know me, anything elaborate and romantic and ancient sends me into raptures."

Dec 21, 2008

Opryland Pictures

Sample of the sights in the hotel.

Riding the Winter Wonderland Train. Josh felt a little silly. So funny.

Proof that I was actually there.

That there look on Noah's face is a look of terror at the giant gingerbread man fast approaching.

Noah, Levi, and Kara cruising the hotel. Uh-dorable picture.

Why? Why is his shirt coming off here?

Good buddies seeing the sights.

Sneaking at peek at the Rock-A-Billy show. Noah looks Rock-A-Bored.

Throwing coins in a fountain.

Even Anna is grinning in this one. Nevermind that it is at the sky again. :)


Oh the hustle and bustle of activity over this past week!

A Party and a Date: Wednesday, Noah had a pajama party at school, and if you ask me... he took home the Cutest-Kid-in-Pajamas Award. While Noah was there, we had Kimberly come over to babysit Anna for us again, and Josh and I enjoyed a little date matinee! We ate out at a real restaurant, went to a movie (Four Christmases...which had us laughing like crazy), ran an errand or two, and picked Noah up on the way home. It was thoroughly invigorating to be out with my husband without rush, tantrums, or tears. That trip to Gatlinburg may be closer than we think ... sans kids that is! Can you say - Full Weekend Babysitting? :)

Pass on the Paci: On a whim, I put Noah down for his nap and told him no more paci because pacis are for babies and he is a big boy. Really, I was just putting out a feeler to see his response, but the boy was pretty chill about it and that was that. He did cry for about half an hour after I left, but got to sleep nonetheless. That night, he asked for his paci, "pashy go?" and Josh told him they went bye bye and that he was a big boy now. Long story short, that was the end of it. And that was last Wednesday. How easy was that?!

Refinance: Josh jumped all over the one day interest rate drop that happened several weeks ago, and called our bank to refinance. So Thursday, they sent a notary to our house to have us sign all the paperwork. Closing in your own fabulous! And we had a nice visit with the notary. Come to find out she is an adoptive parent as well. She adopted her 9 year old daughter two years ago. :)

May May (aka mailman): Well, in our case, it is mailwoman. And she was as good as Santa himself Thursday when she showed up with gifts galore from Memaw and Papa. Noah ever so obediently put each and every one under the tree, all the while saying to me and Josh "Aw. Aw." This of course translates "Off" and means that he wants to take the wrapping paper off. Who doesn't, I say! Almost every day has gone this way this week as gifts arrived from Aunt Kathy and Robin, Grandma, and Great-Grandma Elba. The mail lady is gonna leave us high and dry come January, and Noah will be so confused then!

Gaylord Opryland: We headed here Thursday night to take in the sights with some friends from Huntsville who were in the area. While the train, and decorations, and lights, and Santa, and fountain show were all very much was clear that Levi was the heart of Noah's enjoyment that night. And as long as we were holding Miss Anna, she was happy, too. Memo to me...remember the baby carrier next time. She is not so happy with her stroller if it means she has to be in her carseat carrier as well.

Once Upon a Potty: The reason we wanted to tackle the paci now is because we plan to tackle the potty training real good in the new year. And as toddlers go, it is not a good idea to have too many big things changing at one time. So now that the paci has left the building, we have started what I like to call "pre-potty training" with a new potty training video that he just adores. He gets his potty, gets me to start the movie (Once Upon a Potty), and he sits and sits and sits for the show (on his potty and naked from the waist down, mind you)...until he gets up to dance to the potty song. And then he wants to do it all again. Guess I can't complain.

Shiny and New: I have not been able to wear my wedding band since about midway through my pregnancy, so Friday Josh picked up my ring after having it cleaned and resized and it fits and sparkles like it did the day I first saw it - January 4th, 2002 when he proposed. So pretty. It is nice to have it back, although after all this time not wearing it, it feels a little funny back on my finger. I think some new earrings for Christmas would make it an easier transition though. Hint, hint, Josh.

My Gym: Saturday, Noah and I joined a class as guests at the local My Gym, a gym experience for babies, toddlers, and children. For his age group, a parent must participate and participate I did. It was such fun and Noah left letting me know he would like "moe gym." So we signed up and can't wait to get back in January.

All things Anna: In other developments, Anna mastered her Bumbo seat this weekend and can sit in it for up to 15 minutes at a time without dropping the head to the front or side. So cute. It is the first step of her development that causes me to catch my breath in realization that she is growing up already! We even had to retire her second round of clothes because she has outgrown them. No more newborn or 0-3 months duds for this little lady. We are a solid 3 months size now! And accordingly, Anna will be officially 3 months on Christmas morning. In addition, Anna started purposefully reaching out for toys and giggling as well. Partner this with her squeals, babbles, and coos, and you can imagine the heavenly soundtrack to our days whenever she is awake. Music.

An encore Anna video for Memaw:

Adoption Stories

When I was working on my master's degree, I completed many bibliographies - some annotated, some not. And if you are keeping with the APA format of such publications, they are tedious. Very, very tedious. But what is a bibliography, really? Nothing more than a glorified book list! So today I offer you an unofficial bibliography of sorts. An annotated list of titles that are in Noah's collection of children's books that he can't really touch yet because they aren't made of cardboard. :) This book list comes from the topical subset of adoption and will really facilitate conversations about his adoption story if/when he is ready to talk about it (aside from his LifeBook of course, which was a labor of love).

Now, the books in this list I really had to hunt for: adoption stories similar to Noah's in that they did not involve international adoption. And for your information, there are many, many more titles out there on the subject of international adoption. I really had to sift through a lot. And I am sure when we reach the moment of meeting out other children, I will have to hunt for some more books about adoption that aren't about babies or coming from other countries. I better start looking now, I think! It could take awhile.

Noah's Adoption Literature: (updated notes to come as we read these books together in the future)

THE DAY WE MET YOU by Phoebe Koehler: very brief, perfect for toddlers/preschool

ROSIE'S FAMILY An Adoption Story by Lori Rosgrove: characters are canines of different breeds which makes it more relatable to children whose adoptive family is a different race or adoptive families that just simply look nothing alike

ADOPTION IS FOR ALWAYS by Linda Girard: speaks more to the questions and emotions an adopted child struggles with

HOW I WAS ADOPTED by Joanna Cole: excellent perspective and framing of adoption, recognizes there are different adoption stories for different people

MY ADOPTED CHILD, THERE'S NO ONE LIKE YOU by Dr. Kevin Leman and son: celebrates a young panda's adoption as he learns his story for a family tree project

A IS FOR ADOPTED by Eileen Tucker Crosby: every letter of the alphabet is used to describe or relate to adoption, includes a poem for each description

TELL ME AGAIN ABOUT THE NIGHT I WAS BORN by Jamie Lee Curtis: adorable, structured as goes a child's request to hear her adoption story

WE BELONG TOGETHER A book about Adoption and Families by Todd Parr: I love this book because it can refer to older children's as well as interracial adoptions. This is one of my three favorites of our adoption books.

THE TUMMY MUMMY by Michelle Madrid-Branch: tender story told from a birth mother's perspective, helpful for explaining a birthmother's love (not rejection)

HAPPY ADOPTION DAY by John McCutcheon: thankfully includes references to older children's adoptions as well as interracial and international adoption, told in poem form

THE WONDERFUL HAPPENS by Cynthia Rylant: Does not specifically refer to adoption, but it completely does if you have that in mind....such a beautiful, beautiful children's story for speaking love over and teaching self-worth to a child that may be questioning theirs (as some do when they ponder their being adopted), this is my other favorite of our adoption book collection, btw- this author is a well known and widely published children's book author

MAYBE DAYS: A Book for Children in Foster Care by Jennifer Wilgocki and Marcia Kahn Wright : Not just helpful for children in foster care but also for the adults in their lives - case workers, foster parents, prospective adoptive parents, etc.

I WISHED FOR YOU - An adoption story by Marianne Richmond: Covers so many pieces and emotions and realities of an adoption. This one rounds off my Top 3 favorites.

GOD FOUND US YOU by Lisa Tawn Bergren - Characters are foxes. Explanation is simple and affectionate. For me, this one is just ok.

Dec 17, 2008

Product Endorsement and Trivia

Bumbo vs. BeBe Pod.


BeBe Pod

And the winner is....Bumbo! The deeper and more angled seat, the matte texture of the surface, the sides that contour closer to her body, and the higher back all keep her upright better and longer. Just so you know - in case you or someone you know might be in the market for one these babies for one of their babies. :)

Trivia - We learned a fabulous secret about dark Karo syrup last week. Do you know what that does to a baby? We do now.

A parting shot of some cutie pie fingers. She holds our fingers on each side of the bottle while she eats like she's driving or something.

Dec 16, 2008

Precious in my Sight

Anna's List

* When she smells like Josh after he's had her for awhile
* Her little pink tongue poking out of pursed lips
* When she sucks on her fist
* Her bobbling wide-eyed head
* Her big open-mouthed grin and how her eyes smile, too
* Her cooing and squealing
* How she watches Noah and how she watches TV
* When she's sleeping...that's all...just sleeping
* How she turns her head to watch TV while eating
* When she falls asleep in her bouncer while playing by herself
* How pretty she looks when I dress her in something besides a sleeper
* How content she is when she is held on your shoulder or lap
* The smell of her head
* How amused she is when her diaper is being changed
* How she draws strangers in and they cannot help but coo and comment
* The wet spot on my shoulder after she has been there
* The sound of her pack n play music box

Noah's List
* His cereal breath after breakfast
* The fact that he gets close enough to my face to be able to smell his breath
* That he calls cereal "see whoa whoa whoa"
* That he calls a shower "showowow" (he takes them with Josh)
* How he reminds us to pray at meals, to brush his teeth, to give him a showow or bubble bath, to wee byeboh (read the bible to him), to give him his medicine, to turn on the light
* How when I tell him his show isn't on, he hands me the remote and points to the TV because he knows we can find it On Demand anyway
* How thick his hair is and how it curls when it gets longer
* How he wakes up and talks to himself in the morning
* That he plays with my hair when I hold him and he doesn't realize he's doing it
* His green froggy pillow he's had for 2 years now that is still a must for him for all sleeping occasions even though the stuffing is all clumpy and uneven
* The wet spot on my shoulder after he lays his head there
* His praying voice
* When he asks for a "dwank bok" (drink in a box, which is juice box)
* The sound of his gasps and squeals at the sight of Christmas lights
* How he calls out "mommy ho!" or "daddy ho!" when we get home
* How gently he touches Anna's cheeks
* His affectionate impulses towards Anna
* How smart he is and when he surprises me with knowing something I didn't know he knew to begin with
* That he STILL naps for over 3 hours a day
* How he sings the very specific words he knows in a song real loud
* His mommy/daddy song
* That he is CRAZY about the book "When You Give a Mouse a Cookie" and that I am soooo tired of reading it over and over and over and over
* That he shares so easily
* How he cracks up in giggles when I am giggling even though he has no clue what I am laughing at
* How he sleeps with his pillow over his his face
* When he puts Baby Jesus by Baby Nanna and tells me "2 babies"
* How he meltsdown at bedtime when Josh is out of town
* That he loves tomatoes, applesauce, pickles, and broccoli
* How afraid he is of his new toilet top soft potty seat
* How he gently jingles the bells on our tree and handles the ornaments
* When he apologizes without having to be told and how very sincerely he means it
* The sound of his Fernando Ortega "Meditations of the Heart" cd when he sleeps
* Watching him at MDO when he doesn't know I am there
* The sound of his "Mommy!" when he realizes I am there
* How much he loves and insists on the Zacchaeus story and song at bedtime
* His book "The Good Shepherd" (you'd have to see it to understand - it is pretty chewed up from his baby days, but he still wants it read to him now in his toddler days)


Lately, Josh and I have been reminiscing over Noah's long gone baby days as we compare them to Anna's very present baby days. This has caused me to very much regret not having started this blog back when he was born, because I find I have already forgotten so many things. So, in order to salvage a bit of those quickly disappearing baby-Noah-type details (and Anna's too in the process), I wanted to post about some similarities/differences we have noticed from each of our babies' first 3 months.

Some differences:
Noah made all those noisy baby gurgles, hiccups, grunts, sounds, etc. in his sleep that really alarm new moms and keep them from sleeping. Not Anna...she has always slept silently.

Noah had that startle reflex going on real bad for almost 4 months. Not Anna - I have only ever seen her startle maybe 3 times?

Noah hardly ever cried. Not Anna - she hardly ever DIDN'T cry. We're past that trial now of course, but it still scares me at night to recall it.

We didn't even have a pack-n-play for Noah. Anna sleeps in one for all her daytime naps.

Noah had Gerber bottles. Anna has Playtex Drop-In Bottles.

Noah wears only Huggies diapers. Anna is wearing Pampers Swaddlers/Luvs...but only until we run out of what friends gave us of their left-overs. We have our ever loving, trusty Huggies waiting in the wings. :)

Noah HATED tummy time. Anna is totally fine with it, even seems to prefer it.

Noah had a bit of that baby acne and skin issues for the first few weeks. Anna's skin has been soft and smooth since she was born.

Noah didn't sleep through the night for many months. Anna is already down to one feeding at night after 6-7 hours ... usually. As far as babies go, that is considered sleeping through the night.

Noah suckered to a paci within days of being born. Anna still rejects it.

We always burped Noah over the shoulder. Anna has more success sitting on your knee with her jaw in your hand.

Noah was so fine with being in his car seat. Anna is not. She only ever screams herself to sleep in it. Same goes for our beloved baby swing...Noah would ride that bad boy for hours. Anna only ever screams herself to sleep in it. We are still holding out hope that she will get the concept better in a month or so.

Noah already desperately needed a bib at all times by this age. Anna...not yet.

Noah was read to every day from his earliest days. Anna...not so much.

We took a TON of newborn and infant pictures of Noah. Anna...again, not so much. Must be that dreaded second-child syndrome.

And some similiarities:
They were both small for their age at this point. Noah started off in the 25th %ile, Anna is in the 30th %ile. (Although, Anna is in 80th %ile in height. Noah has just FINALLY gotten to the 50th %ile in that category.)

Both babies were born in a state that they did not ever live in. Noah was born in Florida and then we took off to GA on our way to AL. Anna was born in AL and we swooped her on up to TN...

... And so, in the process, we were trying to get to know both babies at the same times as we were trying to get to know new towns and trying new churches.

Both are back sleepers at night. Both were swaddled, too. (Noah slept in a swaddle til just after 6 mos!)

Both had way too many clothes.

Most importantly...MARK MY WORDS... adopted or biological...the experience of love and emotion and pride and joy has been the same for us over them both.